

Linda R. Mona, Ph.D.

Dr. Linda R. Mona is a California licensed clinical psychologist who has worked in a variety of settings providing clinical services, training healthcare professionals, and conducting research focusing upon the diverse life experiences of individuals living with chronic health conditions/disability as well as the importance of sexual health and overall quality of life. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles and both her masters and doctoral degrees in clinical psychology at Georgia State University. As the founder and president of Inclusivity Clinical Consulting Services (ICCS), Dr. Mona provides a wide array of psychotherapy services to individuals and couples. She also serves as a healthcare services consultant, providing training to integrated healthcare settings and allied health clinical service providers on disability, diversity, and inclusion strategies. As a psychologist who has specialized in sexual health and sex therapy throughout her career, Dr. Mona also works closely with healthcare facilities on ways to adequately assess, treat, and triage sexual difficulties with individuals and couples.

Dr. Mona has received national recognition by the American Psychological Association, the Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professions, Paralyzed Veterans of America, and the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality for her work focusing on people with disabilities. She has published over 50 articles on disability in academic-related publications and has delivered over 100 workshops and seminars on this topic. Dr. Mona’s work has brought to mainstream audiences through other media including Oprah Radio, Canadian Discovery Health, PBS, NBC's Today Show, and Cosmopolitan, and Self magazines.



Satisfying intimate relationships are essential for better overall physical health, positive mood, stress reduction, and improved quality of life. Addressing intimacy and sexuality issues within outpatient, primary care, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and other integrated healthcare settings can be challenging for most healthcare professionals. In this training, Dr. Mona address the importance of assessing sexual health and intimate relationships within your practice settings as a tool to better understand mood and adherence to health behaviors. Healthcare providers will be given knowledge and resources to accurately assess, treat, and/or triage sexual concerns in an accurate and comprehensive manner. Topics included in this training include:

  • Importance of sexual health within the context of healthy life styles
  • Understanding the ways in which personal world view influences how healthcare providers assess and treat sexuality and intimacy issues in practice
  • Increasing comfort of healthcare professionals discussing sexuality with clients
  • Brief assessment measures and treatment approaches appropriate for any healthcare setting
  • Overview of sexuality, chronic illness/disability, and quality of life
  • Sexual functioning across the life span
  • Sexuality and intimate relationship resources designed for dissemination for patients/clients
  • Assisting patients/clients with developing a sexual wellness plan designed for anticipating aging and health changes within intimate relationships
Talking about disability in workplace settings has traditionally revolved around discussions of the American’s with Disabilities Act and the legal requirements necessary to accommodate employees with disabilities. Talking about disability as a diversity factor in the work place is typically under discussed or ignored. In this training, Dr. Mona helps professionals understand disability from a multicultural perspective and sheds light on the ways in which people with disabilities enrich the workplace in ways that facilitate better team dynamics, increased company productivity, and improved inclusion of disability world view. Topics included in this training include:

  • Definitions of disability community and culture
  • Disability frequently asked questions
  • Respectful ways of addressing disability in workplace settings
  • Strategies to increase recruitment and retention of people with disabilities
  • Review of The American’s with Disabilities Act and the importance of accommodation as a means of logistical and programmatic inclusion
  • Facilitating person-centered discussions around the American’s with Disabilities Act
  • Improving company policy development through refining business practices aimed at people with disabilities

    Dr. Mona's

    Awards & Publications

    Tamara Dembo and Beatrice Wright Lecture Award on Psychosocial Aspects of Rehabilitation Psychology, Division of Rehabilitation Psychology of American Psychological Association 2018
    Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Institutional Practice, American Psychological Association, Board of Professional Affairs 2017
    Distinguished Leader for Women in Psychology, Committee on Women in Psychology of the American Psychological Association 2015
    Presidential Citation Award, Division of Rehabilitation Psychology of the American Psychological Association 2015
    Outstanding Supervisor Award, Division of Psychology in the Public Interest of the American Psychological Association 2015
    Paralyzed Veterans of Americas Psychology Healthcare Advocacy Award 2013
    Association on Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers’ Excellence in Diversity Training Award 2012
    American Psychological Association Presidential Citation for Outstanding Contributions to the Advancement of Disability Issues in Psychology 2012
    American Psychological Associations Division of Psychology in the Public Interest Outstanding Mentor/Supervisor Award 2010
    Health Provider of the Year, Daily Breeze Women of Distinction 2010
    American Psychological Association Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology Distinguished Contributions Award 2009
    Working Mother Media Working Mother of the Year Award 2009
    American Psychological Association Division of Rehabilitation Psychology Early Career Clinical Award 2008
    American Psychological Association Rehabilitation Division Service Award 2004
    Foundation of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Research Grant Award Recipient 1997
    American Psychological Association Award for Applied Psychology or Community Service 1995
    Andrews. A. E., Forber-Pratt. A. J., Mona, L. R., Lund, E. M., Pilarski, C. R,, & Balter, R. (2019). #SaytheWord: A disability culture commentary on the erasure of ‘disability’. Rehabilitation Psychology, 64(2) 111-118.
    Baggett, L. R., Eisen, E., Gonzalez-Rivas, S., Olson, L. A., Cameron, R. P., & Mona, L. R. (2017). Sex-positive assessment and treatment among female trauma survivors. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 73 (8), 965-974.
    Mona, L. R., Hayward, H., & Cameron, R. P. (2019). Cognitive behavior therapy and people with disabilities. In G. Y. Iwamasa & P. A. Hays (Eds.), Culturally responsive cognitive behavior therapy: Practice and supervision (pp. 257-285). Washington, DC.
    Carcieri, E. M., Mona, L. R. (2016). Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Health Issues in Rehabilitation: A Patient-Centered Approach. In: M Budd, S. Hough, W. Stiers, & S. Wegener (Eds.), Practical Psychology in Medical Rehabilitation. Springer.
    Clemency Cordes, Mona, L. R., & Saxon, L. C. (2016). Women Veterans with Disabilities: An Integrated Care Perspective. In S. Miles-Cohen & C. Signore (Eds.), Eliminating inequities for women with disabilities: An agenda for health and wellness. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
    Clemency Cordes, C., Cameron, R. P., Mona, L. R., Syme, M. L., Coble-Temple, A. (2016). Perspectives on Disability within Integrated Healthcare. In L. Suzuki, M. Casas, C. Alexander, & M. Jackson (Eds.), Handbook of Multicultural Counseling (4th Ed.; pp. 401-410). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
    Eisenberg, N., Andreski, S., & Mona, L.R. (2015). Sexuality and Physical Disability: A Disability-Affirmative Approach to Assessment and Intervention within Health Care. Current Sexual Health Reports, 7, No. 1, 19-29.
    Syme, M. L., Clemency Cordes, C., Cameron, R. P., & Mona, L. R. (2015). Sexual health and well-being in the context of aging. In P.A. Litchtenberg & B. T. Mast (Eds.), APA Handbook of Clinical Geropsychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
    Banks, M. E., Brown, K. S., Mona, L. R., & Ackerman, R. J. (2014). Women with Disabilities: Affirmative practice and assessment. In C. Z. Enns, J. K. Rice, & R. L. Nutt (Eds.), Psychological practice with women: Guidelines, diversity, empowerment. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.
    Mona, L. R., Syme, M. L., Cameron, R. P., Clemency Cordes, C., Fraley, S. S., Baggett, L. R. Roma, V. G. (2013). Sexuality and disability: A disability-affirmative approach to sex therapy. In Y. M. Binik & K. Hall (Eds.), Principles and Practices of Sex Therapy (5th Ed.) (pp 457-481). New York: Guilford.
    Syme, M.L., Cordes, C.C., Cameron, R.P., & Mona, L.R. (In press). Sexual health and well-being in the context of aging. In. P.A. Lichtenberg, B. Carpenter (Eds.), APA Handbook of Clinical Geropsychology. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
    Banks, M. E., Brown, K. S., Mona, L. R., & Ackerman, R. J. (in press). Women with Disabilities: Affirmative practice and assessment. In C. Z. Enns, J. K. Rice, & R. L. Nutt (Eds.), Psychological practice with women: Guidelines, diversity, empowerment. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.
    Eisenberg, N., Andreski, S.R., Mona, L.R. (2015; In Press). Sexuality and physical Disability—A disability-affirmative approach to assessment and intervention within healthcare. Current Sexual Health Reports, 7.
    Mona, L.R., Syme, M.L., Cameron, R.P., Fraley, S., Smith, K. & Bagget, L. (2014). Applications of sexual
    health and well-being in persons with a disability. In Y. Binik & K. Hall (Eds.) Principles and Practice of Sex Therapy. Guilford Press.
    Clemency Cordes, C., Mona, L. R., Syme, M. L., Cameron, R. P., & Smith, K. (2013). Sexuality and sexual health among women with physical disabilities. In D. Castaneda (Ed), An essential handbook of women’s sexuality: Diversity, health, and violence introduction (Vol. 2, pp. 71-92). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
    Syme, M.L., Mona, L.R., & Cameron, R.P. (2012). Sexual health and well-being after cancer: Applying the sexual health model. The Counseling Psychologist. Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1177/0011000012459970
    Cameron, R.P, Mona, L.R., Syme, M. L., Cordes, C. C., Fraley, S., Chen, S., Klein, L. S., Welsh, L., Smith, K., & Lemos, L. (2011). Sexuality among wounded veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), and Operation New Dawn (OND): Implications for rehabilitation psychologists. Rehabilitation Psychology, 2011, Vol. 56, No. 4, 289–301
    Mona, L.R., Syme, M.L., Goldwaser, G., Cameron, R.P., Chen, S., Fraley, S., Clemency, C., Wirick, D., & Lemos, L. (2011). Sexual well-being in older adults: A cognitive behavioral approach to treatment. In K. Sorocco & S. Lauderdale (Eds.), Implementing CBT for older adults: Innovations across care settings, PP 263-287.
    Mona, L. R., Goldwaser, G., Syme, M. L., Cameron, R. P., Clemency, C., Miller, A. R., Lemos, L., and Ballan, M. S. (2010). Assessment and Conceptualization of Sexuality among Older Adults. In P. A. Lichtenberg’s, Handbook of Assessment in Clinical Gerontology (pp 331-356). Elsevier Publishers.
    Mona, L.R., Cameron, R.P., Goldwaser, G., Miller, A.R., Syme, M.L., & Fraley, S.S. (2009). Prescription for pleasure: Exploring sex-positive approaches for women with spinal cord injury. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 15 (1), 15-28.
    Banks, M. E., & Mona, L. R. (2007). Leadership and Collaboration among Women with Disabilities. In J. L. Chin , B. Lott, J. K. Rice, & J. Sanchez-Hucles (Eds.) Women and Leadership: Transforming Visions and Diverse Voices (pp. 330-340). Boston: Blackwell.
    Fraley, S. S., Mona, L. R., & Theodore, P. (2007). The sexual lives of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people with disabilities: Psychological perspectives. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 4(1).
    Mona, L.R. (2006). Current trends in sexuality and disability. Foreword written in G. Karp’s Disability and the Art of Kissing: Questions and Answers on the True Nature of Intimacy (pp. i-iv). San Rafael: Life on Wheels Publications.
    Mona, L. R., Cameron, R. P., & Fuentes, A. J. (2006). Broadening paradigms of disability research to clinical practice: Implications for conceptualization and application. In K. J. Hagglund & A. Heinemann (Eds), Handbook of applied disability and rehabilitation research, (pp. 75-102). New York, NY: Springer Publications.
    Mona, L. R., Romesser, J.M., Cameron, R. P., & Cardenas, V. (2006). Cognitive behavior therapy with persons with disabilities. In P. A. Hays & G. Y. Iwamasa (Eds.). Culturally responsive cognitive-behavior therapy: Assessment, practice, and supervision, (pp. 199-222). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
    Mona, L. R, Cameron, R. P., & Crawford, D. (2004). Stress and trauma in the lives of women with disabilities. In K. Kendall-Tackeet’s (Ed) Handbook of Women, Stress, and Trauma. New York: Taylor and Francis.
    Coble-Temple, A., Mona, L. R., & Bleecker, T. (2003). Accessing personal assistance services in the workplace: Struggles and the successes. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 18, 113-123.
    Mona, L. R. (2003). Sexual Options for People with Disabilities: Using Personal Assistance Services for Sexual Expression. In M. E. Banks and E Kaschak’s Women with Visible and Invisible Disabilities: Multiple intersections, multiple issues, multiple therapies. New York: The Hayworth Press, Inc. (pp. 211-222).

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